Let Us Take The Wheel
and steer you towards
a swift recovery.

Personal Injury Attorneys In Selma, California

At Nunes Law, Inc., our personal injury attorneys in Selma, California, believe each of our nearly 25,000名居民在因他人或一方的疏忽造成的事故中受伤后,有权直接接触有经验的法律代表.


That is why our lead attorney, Frank Nunes, founded Nunes Law, Inc. in 2007. As a former in-house lawyer for a leading national insurance company, 他直接发现保险公司只关心他们的底线,而不是伤者的权利和恢复需求.



Personal Injury Lawyers In Selma, California Practice Areas

At Nunes Law, Inc., our personal injury attorneys in Selma, California, 提供bb电子的客户需要的技能和经验,以自信地解决他们的伤害.


  • Car Accidents
  • Motorcycle Crashes
  • Truck Collisions
  • Pedestrian Accident
  • Bicycle Accidents
  • Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Claims
  • Premises Liability
  • Dog Bites
  • Burn Injuries
  • Electrocution
  • Dangerous and Defective Products
  • Wrongful Death

If you have been injured in an accident that was caused by another’s negligence, bb电子的塞尔玛人身伤害律师可以帮助概述您的需求,并设计一个法律策略,使您能够在工作之余寻求所需的医疗护理,而无需担心您的财务状况.


At Nunes Law, Inc., bb电子的塞尔玛人身伤害律师通过为bb电子代理的每个案件定制解决方案,提供个性化的法律代理.

We know that no two accidents are alike, and no two injuries affect two different people in the same way.
From the time we take your case, bb电子将联系过失方的保险公司——以及他们可能拥有的任何法律代表——以确保所有沟通都通过bb电子的办公室进行. 这意味着如果没有bb电子在场,他们将无法再与您联系.

当保险公司打来电话时,你将不再需要担心该说什么或该做什么. We will handle it from here.

Next, our personal injury attorneys in Selma will investigate the facts of your case, including how the accident occurred, the injuries that resulted, and how they will affect your livelihood now and going forward, 所以bb电子可以开始为你的案子做准备,并向保险公司提出bb电子的要求.

You will continue to seek all the medical care necessary to heal properly, 严格遵照医嘱,这样你的病情才会从头到尾都很好.

bb电子会让您了解法律程序的每一步,以便您随时了解您的案件的进展情况. That is a promise.


The most common financial recovery needs may include:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and/or diminished working capacity
  • Prescription and medical device costs
  • Rehabilitation and therapy needs
  • Temporary or permanent disabilities

结算金额根据bb电子每个客户的完整财务恢复需求而有所不同, which are unique to each case. If, at any time, bb电子与保险公司的谈判破裂了,因为他们不愿满足bb电子客户的需求, we will be ready to litigate your case inside the courtroom.


When you are meeting with your Selma personal injury lawyer for the first time, 考虑所有能帮助你立案的东西,只要带上任何与你的事故有关的东西.

You can never supply too much detail or supporting documentation.


  • Facts you recorded from the accident scene, 包括坠机是如何发生的以及任何目击者的联系方式/陈述
  • Documents outlining the negligent driver’s vehicle information, including license, registration, and insurance company information
  • Pictures or videos of the accident scene, including images of all the vehicles that were involved in the crash
  • Details outlining your insurance policies, including health insurance, car insurance, disability insurance, and any other insurance policy you may have

如果你伤得太重,无法留在事故现场,在你得到任何细节之前就被送往附近的医院, bb电子将以您的名义向现场的急救人员索要警方报告和其他详细信息.

bb电子在加利福尼亚州塞尔玛的熟练人身伤害律师,在Nunes法律公司. Today To Schedule A Free Consultation

At Nunes Law, Inc., bb电子bb电子的客户合作,从他们的案件开始到其解决方案,因为bb电子对您的完整恢复需求了解得越多, bb电子就越有准备向过失方的保险公司提出必要的要求. If you have been hurt in an accident caused by another person’s negligence, contact our experienced personal injury attorneys in Selma, California, today by calling (559) 702-5124 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.